
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2020

The Open Window by Saki

Read the story  HERE 1-  Read the story and complete the activities:  https://www.swl.k12.oh.us/Downloads/open%20window.pdf 2-   Let`s bring the story into the 21st century! According to the story, Mr Nuttel´s sister writes a letter to Mrs Sappleton. Instead of a letter, write an email to her using Google Doc and share it with me!

A travel guide

Source:  If you want to do the activities online, click HERE to access the webpage In our Comment Section:

Write your own story 2

Look at the photographs and listen to the music. Think about a cool story to tell. Complete the following event map Have a look at the following page and read about linkers and connectors:  Click HERE to access the webpage Now you are ready to write your story. Share it in the comment section! Note: If you want to have fun,  read the comments on the video:  Click HERE to visit the youtube page of the video   😁😁😁

Write your own story

Look at the following pictures. Choose one of them to base your story on. Then, complete the following "sandwich" with your  ideas. Write your topic at the top. Add details to the middle layers. Add a concluding sentence at the bottom. Now you are ready to write your story. Share it in the comment section!

Article writing / Around the world in 80 days

Download the following .pdf file and read about what you must take into account when writing an email, an article, a  review or a  report. Click HERE to download the guide. Activity: 1- In Chapter 5 we learn that "the news of the bet spread through the Reform Club, and afforded an exciting topic of conversation to its members. From the club it soon got into the papers throughout England..." Write a newspaper article for The Times or the Daily Telegraph about the bet and the journey. Read Chapter 5 carefully and the guide above before deciding what and how to write it. Share the article in the comment section on this blog.

Around the world in 80 days: Dear Andrew

Imagine you are Phileas Fogg and you are now in the customs house awaiting your trial. Write out a letter to Andrew Stuart describing the most important incident in your travel since the day you left London. Refer to the evidence from the text. Dear Andrew, .....

Around the world in 80 days: Timeline

In groups of 5-6 students create a timeline of Fogg´s journey, using text and images. Then share the link in the comment section below. Don´t forget to add your names! Go to Visme  Visme.co   to create the timeline.

Around the world in 80 days: 19th Century

Below are the types of transportation used by Phileas Fogg during his journey around the world in the 19th century: Choose any two of the transportation and describe how it helped Phileas Fogg in his travels.