Before writing a paragraph, it is important to think first about the topic and then what you want to say about the topic. Most often, the topic is easy, but the question then turns to what you want to say about the topic. This concept is called the controlling idea. Good topic sentences should always contain both a topic and a controlling idea. The topic is the main subject matter or idea covered in the paragraph. The controlling idea is the idea that focuses on the topic by providing direction to the composition.
For e.g.,
The topic is running and the controlling idea is healthful benefits.

You can also follow the PEEL paragraph writing technique to write effective paragraphs. PEEL stands for:
Point - Your first sentence must state your point. It introduces the topic you're about to discuss and tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about.
Evidence - Support your point with evidence and examples.
Explanation - This is where you show your understanding by explaining in more detail how and why your evidence supports your point.
Link - The last sentence should reinforce your original point or link your writing to the next paragraph. The link sentence can provide a transition to the next topic or paragraph.
The purpose of a paragraph is to express the thoughts or opinions of the author in a clear and precise manner.TOPIC SENTENCE - DEFINITION
A topic sentence introduces the main idea of a paragraph. It is usually placed at the beginning of a paragraph.TOPIC SENTENCE - EXAMPLE
Let's take a look at some examples of a topic sentence:
1) If the paragraph is about the qualities that will help you become successful, the topic sentence could be something like: To be successful, you need to have certain qualities.
2) If the paragraph is about protecting the environment, the topic sentence could be something like: We need to take certain measures to protect the environment. CONVEYING THE POINT CLEARLY - DEFINITION
When writing a paragraph, it is important to be clear and precise. First, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to say. Then, you have to write this down using the correct language. Make sure to organize your points in a logical manner so that the reader can easily understand your argument.RELIABLE SOURCES OF EVIDENCE - DEFINITION
The purpose of a paragraph is to present your views or arguments on a topic. It is important to support your argument with proper evidence. You can make a reference to a book or a newspaper article that shares the same opinion. This will make it easier for the reader to be convinced or persuaded by your point of view.TYPES OF TOPIC SENTENCES - DEFINITION
Topic sentences do not have to follow a specific format or structure. Usually, topic sentences are of different types. They could be complex sentences, questions, pivots, or even bridge sentences.TYPES OF TOPIC SENTENCES - EXAMPLE
Let's look at each type of topic sentence with an example:
1. Complex sentences: The topic sentence could be a complex sentence with a dependent and independent clause. For example, While the Internet has made life more convenient for most people, it has also led to security risks.
2. Questions: The topic sentence could be in the form of a question that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. For example, Why are pollution levels so high in cities?
3. Pivots: In this type of topic sentence, the sentence comes in the middle of the paragraph. It acts as a 'pivot' or turn after the sentences it follows. For example, Shelley was a great Romantic poet. Wordsworth was even better than him. However, John Keats was the best of them all.
4. Bridges: The topic sentence could act as a bridge that links the idea of the preceding paragraph to the main idea of the new paragraph. For example, Though the Revolt of 1857 failed, it was important event in India's struggle for freedom.

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