Syntax: Direct and Indirect Objects

We told the judges a very important secret last Monday.

We can state that "WE" is the Subject and the rest is the Predicate. WE is a personal pronoun, Then we look at the Predicate to find the verb (TOLD). Once we have found the verb, we can try looking for a D.O.  In this case, there seem to be two objects; THE JUDGES  and A VERY IMPORTAT SECRET. How do we know whether there is a D.O.? By turning it into the Passive Voice.

A very important secret was told.

But, We also have THE JUDGES.

The judges were told a very important secret,

Both may be turned into the passive. How can we know which the D.O. is?

If we remember the rules or characteristics of the I.O., we know we can place the personal object (THE JUDGES), following the D.O. with the addition of TO. That is to say:

We told a very important secret to the judges.

If the change is possible, then the objects are I.O. (THE JUDGES) D.O. (A VERY IMPORTANT SECRET). As the verb has two objects, it is a Bi-transitive verb of complete predication.

Analyse the following sentences:

1- The German scientists discovered a new drug in September
2. Before Christmas, she left her home and travelled to MEndoza
3. My friend phoned me and told me the terrible news.
4. She wrote a note to Robert Birke and left very quickly after this.
5. They included a list of events in the report.


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